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Rich Froning CrossFit WOD for muscle gain

Rich Froning Jr. is one of the great legends of American CrossFit because he positioned himself as champion in the CrossFit Games in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. He was also the first to obtain the World's Fittest Man title for four consecutive years.

At 34 years old, Froning continues to give it his all in the box and can even be seen competing at the next edition of the CrossFit Games in August.

However, a question that many ask themselves is about what training the athlete does to stay in shape. Men's Health magazine shared his latest workouts for faster muscle gain and fat loss.

The CrossFit WOD:

5 sets of:

60 Heavy Double Under (Double under, the ideal CrossFit exercise to lose weight)

12 Overhead Squat (115/80)

60 Heavy Double Under

6 Overhead Squat (185/125)

*Rest 1:1 between series and series

6 sets of:

30 Cal Echo Bike

100’ Handstand Walk (Double Obstacle per 50’)

100’ Tank Push

*Rest: 90'' between series and series"To keep up with the training, we made changes to my macros and I slowly gained about 6 kilos of muscle in the last two months through the @rpstrength templates, my new training program," says Rich Froning.

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